Thursday, January 2, 2014

A few highlights from AGU

It's been almost full month since my last post, but I'm back to it! In the beginning of December I flew out to California for the annual American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting - a week-long gathering of thousands of earth and space scientists in downtown San Francisco. With over 22,000 attendees and a huge range of topics, there's a ton of exciting (and sometimes not so exciting) science on display at AGU. It's impossible to give a full overview of everything I learned, but here are a few research tidbits I found interesting.


Dr. Michaela Teich (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF) and coauthors  are studying how forests influence avalanche flow in order to improve predictive capabilities of avalanche models. Parameters like tree type, tree height and tree spacing all affect the initial triggering of an avalanche as well as the dynamics during a flow. Dr. Teich has taken an empirical approach to calculate a detrainment coefficient, a measure of how much snow mass is captured by a given forest type. The detrainment coefficient can then be used in simulations of avalanches to better predict flow paths and avalanche risk.
     I find this problem particularly intriguing because of the differences in scales involved - the ability of a forest to slow an avalanche rushing down a mountainside depends on the characteristics of a forest, which is influenced by the structure of individual trees. One of the biggest challenges of theoretical research in the physical sciences is understanding how to fit together processes that occur on different spatial and temporal scales. So while it may not be possible to build an avalanche simulation that includes individual trees, it may be possible to include the affects of individual trees by considering how they contribute to a forest's ability to capture snow. (Citation: Teich et al., 2013 AGU Abstract C41B-0615, Evaluation and operationalization of a novel forest detrainment modeling approach for computational snow avalanche simulation)

Magma Migration

Dr. Wenlu Zhu (University of Maryland) presented an overview of impressive experimental work being done to constrain the permeability of partially molten rocks. When rocks melt in the mantle, they only melt a little bit. That small amount of magma, however, forms an interconnected network that allows the magma to migrate upwards. As magma gets closer to the Earth's surface, the flow localizes into increasingly larger pathways until finally collecting in magma chambers that then erupt. So the permeability in the upper mantle ultimately modulates how fast magma gets to surface and fuel volcanic activity.
      Besides the scientific merit, these experiments are an impressive feat of engineering - Dr. Zhu and her students take rock samples, bring them to high temperature and pressure so that they melt a little bit and then shoot X-rays through them. Because magma has different properties from solid rock, the X-rays can be used to map out the magma network (here's a link to an image showing the magma network). One of the more recent updates that Dr. Zhu showed, was work by graduate student Kevin Miller in which he took the magma network and input it to a fluid dynamics model in order to calculate the effective permeability of the network. (citation: Zhu et al, 2013 AGU Abstract, MR23C-01. Permeability Evolution and the Mechanisms of Porosity Change)

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